Tinsley TMD

There are plenty of articles on the internet about Tinsley TMD, So I am not going to repeat them all with a history and why and all the other parts to the story. All you need to know from me is on the few occasions i was there, what did I see? Well the answer is below. Closed in 1998, nothing now remains of the Depot.

Thursday 14th April 1994

08 - 08389 08510 08581 08661 08691 08880 08919
37 - 37298 
47 - 47052 47096 47102 47114 47142 47145 47204 47206 47249 47288 47289 47392 47310 47314 47317 47321 47323 47325 47337 47345 47350 47358 47370 47371 47393

Thursday 8th April 1993

08 - 08510 08880 
09 - 09013
31 - 31238
37 - 37019 37032 37070 37242 37248 37252 37261
47 - 47063 47188 47211 47214 47227 47234 47284 47288 47294 47305 47307 47308 47313 47317 47321 47325 47335 47349 47801

Sunday 20th September 1992

08 - 08509 08749 08880 08919
09 - 09013
20 - 20118 20137 20165
31 - 31422
37 - 37008 37031 37045 37079 37209 37359 37416 37713 37716
47 - 47003 47006 47053 47142 47147 47190 47205 47220 47227 47313 47325
56 - 56077
60 - 60022

Monday 1st January 1990

08 - 08434 08749 08857 08871 08878 08919 
09 - 09008 09013
20 - 20112 20126 20178 20226
31 - 31144 31146 31158 31171 31285 31454 
37 - 37070 37071 37104 37194 37240 37250 37251 37271 37358 37682 37686
45 - 45033 45037 45046 45052 45103 45104 45106 45107 45110 45113 45115 45120 45124 45128 45130 45134 45140 45141 45145 45150 97409 97410 97411 97412 97413
47 - 47002 47007 47009 47012 47017 47093 47102 47104 47108 47124 47130 47146 47200 47201 47206 47209 47217 47226 47313 47331 47336 47338 47370 47412 47801 47847
56 - 56026 56127

Sunday 23rd April 1989

08 - 08308 08434 08436 08492 08508 08509 08543 08691 08749 08857 08870 08878 08879 08880 08919
20 - 20025 20031 20093 20098 20110
31 - 31102 31159 31160 31221 31259 31286
37 - 37003 37072 37352 
45 - 45106 45128
47 - 47002 47097 47098 47110 47120 47145 47147 47201 47206 47225 47236 47237 47293 47311 47314 47323 47375 47376 47418 47645
56 - 56017 56018

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