Manchester Picadilly

British Rail Manchester Piccadilly Station
Manchester Piccadilly, I would imagine a hard station to drive to under normal conditions, although the car park next to it in located in Sheffield Street is cheap and £3.50 all day. a 5 minute walk away from the station, although it is quicker, to go up the stairs of the multi storey car park and then into the station. Alternatively a park and ride can be done, I parked at Altrincham and took the train into Manchester on my first visit, the second time i parked next to the railway station in the afore mentioned car park. 
The station is closed normally and barriers in use, so if you park and ride you do not need a ticket as you already have one, otherwise I think it is normally a closed station, the day I parked was just after the lock down had finished and we are able to travel, the city and the car park were extremely quiet so I do not think they bothered to check anyone. The staff on both visits were friendly, even the British Transport Police on my second visit took the time to stand and chat to me for a good 15 minutes, I think they were just bored. 
So what did I see, the visits are listed below, feel free to look at the gallery too at the bottom of the page.

My second visit 18/05/2020 around 4 hours on the station

66 - 66176 66507

150 - 150102 150103 150105 150108 150110 150116 150118 150121 150122 150124 150126 150134 150139 150148 150149 150210 150218 150222

156 - 156413 156424 156428 156441 156469 156491

158 - 158773 158777 158780 158783 158799 158806 158812 158852 158862 158889

175 - 175102 175109 175115 175116

185 - 185101 185102 185104 185106 185108 185109 185110 185111 185114 185115 185117 185118 185121 185128 185129 185130 185131 185135 185138 185136 185140 185148 185150

195 - 195101 195117 195120 195126

220 - 220009 220012 220026 220034

221 - 221132 221134 221138 221141

319 - 319372 

323 - 323224 323225 323227 323229 323230 323231 323237 

331 - 331002 331003 331006 331007 331008 331012 331013 331014 331015 331018 331019 331023 331025 331028

390 - 390005 390016 390044 390046 390104 390119 390121 390129 390131 390137 390155 390157

397 - 397003 397012

ML - 3009 3014 3037 3043 3060 3107

My first visit, 20/12/2019, 4 hours on the station


ML - 3006 3008 3010 3011 3018 3019 3021 3022 3026 3033 3036 3038 3040 3044 3046 3047 3053 

Manchester Piccadilly:

66 - 66594 66714

68 - 68031

142 - 142035 145054 142061 142062

150 - 150102 150115 150117 150118 150119 150121 150126 150127 150128 150135 150136 150137 150138 150142 150143 150147 150205 150209 150220 150222 150223 150225 150270 150272 150276

156 - 156403 156404 156413 156420 156426 156427 156455 156465 156466

158 - 158777 158783 158785 158802 158813 158852

175 - 175002 175008 175103 175104 175115 175116

185 - 185104 185108 185109 185110 185112 185114 185119 185120 185123 185125 185131 185137 185138 185145 185146

195 - 195013 195101 195103 195107 195119 195121

220 - 220008 220017 220020 220032

221 - 221119 221124 221138 

319 - 319372 319375 319386

323 - 323223 323224 323226 323230 323235 323236 323237 323238

331 - 331007 331008 331011 331015 331016 331019 331109 331111

350 - 350402 350403

390 - 390016 390042 390050 390104 390107 390107 390130 390130 390131 390138


Altrincham - Manchester Piccadilly - 150272

Manchester Piccadilly - Altrincham - 150137

It is really worth a visit, such a multitude of locos and units go through the station, Freight also passes, whichever way you decide to travel there. 

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