
Doncaster railway station, has always been a hive of activity, located on the East Coast mainline, with the Wabtec Rail works next to it, and the freight lines passing just to the south of the station, there is always something going on. There is the station car park, which however is quite small and I would imagine expensive like all railway car parks are. I parked in the Frenchgate shopping center car park, which is the normal car park prices, of course there are other car parks but they are a little bit further out. If you wish to walk then its okay. The advantage of the Frenchgate car park is from the roof you can see into the Wabtec yard. 
Doncaster is an open station and the staff are generally quite friendly, I think they are used to many train enthusiasts always lurking around the station. The freight lines can be seen from the long platform to the south with a good pair of binoculars. The day I was there, the weather was not great and it rained for most of the time. 
The station is perfectly set up for taking photos, as the fast up and down lines are in the centre of the two main platforms. There is plenty of loco's and units to see passing the station, below is a list of what I saw.

Is it worth going to Doncaster, well the answer is a definite yes, I would say a day here is a day well spent.

At the bottom of the page is a gallery of photos from Doncaster

Visit date 28/01/2020. for around 4 hours

08 - 08669 08853

60 - 60096

66 - 66093 66097 66118 66128 66165 66423 66429 66551 66556 66580 66588 66596 66742 66779 66955

67 - 67028 

70 - 70816 

91 - 91102 91105 91106 91107 91112 91113 91116 91118 91121 91122 91126 91128

144 - 144004 144007 144008 144010 144011 144013 144014 144016 144021

150 - 150206 150276

153 - 153355 153358

156 - 156413

170 - 170453 170455 170456 170457 170472 170476

180 - 180101 180103 180108 180113

185 - 185106 185108 185111 185121 185128 185139 185142 185143 185148 185150 185151

195 - 195130

220 - 220005 220006 220008 220029 220031

221 - 221136

331 - 331104 331106

800 - 800103 800113 800202 800204 800205 800206 800209 800210

801 - 801101 801102 801103 801107 801108 801109 801110 801112 801211 801213 801217 801222

802 - 802301 802302 802303

TH & RFS - Pammy

DVT's - 82202 82205 82207 82215 82217 82218 82219 82220 82223 82225 82230

There was also plenty of Mark 4 coaches which I will not list here.

Is it worth going to Doncaster, well the answer is a definite yes, I would say a day here is a day well spent.

So it is not the first time I have been to Doncaster, here are a few other visits I have made in the past, usually it was just a stop off and no longer than around 20 minutes was spent on the station before departing to another location. 

 Visit date 14/04/1994 

08 - 08877
20 - 20902 20903
43 - 43107 43111 43112 43115 43158 43195 
47 - 47501
56 - 56074 56106
90 - 90024
91 - 91006 91010 91011 91015 91020
141 - 141110
142 - 142036 142047 142076 142086
156 - 156468 156484 156489
158 - 158753 158776 158905
321 - 321903
DVTs - 82214 82216 82220 82224 82226

Visit date 09/04/1993

31 - 31544 31556
43 - 43006 43063 43095 43107 43112 43118 43128 43147 43162 43184
90 - 90018 90021 90025
91 - 91001 91005 91010 91017 91020 91023 91027 91031 
141 - 141105 141118
142 - 142014 142022 142049 142070 142071 142074
144 - 144008
156 - 156414 156472 156473 156487 156497
158 - 158761 158770
321 - 321902 321903
DVTs - 82203 82204 82205 82208 82210 82211 82231

Visit date 08/04/1993

08 - 08877
43 - 43070 43198
47 - 47114 47241 47307 47634
91 - 91003 91019 91025 91029 91030
101 - 59526
117 - 59504
141 - 141103 141109
144 - 144009 144018 144022
156 - 156472 156480
158 - 158770
321 - 321901 321902
DVTs - 82214 82219 82227

Visit date 20/09/1992

08 - 08877
56 - 56092
90 - 90025
91 - 91005 91020 91029 91030
101 - 53242
108 - 977806
116 - 53853
141 - 141108
142 - 142072
153 - 153366
158 - 158848
321 - 321902
DVTs - 82200 82219 82226 82231

Visit date 28/05/1990

91 - 91006 
100 - 975349 975539
DVTs - 82205

Visit date 01/01/1990

08 - 08876
43 - 43120
108 - 52053 52059 59246 59248
142 - 142005 142018 142020 142081
144 - 144014
156 - 156476
317 - 317363
DVTs - 82200

 Visit date 28/08/1989

08 - 08463 08878 08885
20 - 20002
31 - 31413
37 - 37250 37510
43 - 43067 43094 43197
47 - 47189 47328 47370 47478 47544 47713 47822
58 - 58026 58038
91 - 91007
101 - 51207 51226 51443 51458 51499 51522 54220 54405
108 - 53940 53973 54225 54273
111 - 59570 78968
113 - 51773
115 - 51866 59713
144 - 144004
150 - 150242
156 - 156451

Visit date 30/04/1989

43 - 43082 43096 43114
47 - 47653
101 - 51183 51495 53196
108 - 53601
110 - 51843 52069
115 - 59737
142 - 142052
144 - 144016

Visit date 23/04/1989

43 - 43027 43039 43052 43065 43085 43101 43165 43197
91 - 91008
101 - 51192 51463 51533 53162 54354
110 - 51813
141 - 141012
142 - 142015 142025 142033 142070 142083
144 - 14001 144019
150 - 150217
156 - 156451

Visit date 04/01/1989

08 - 08866
56 - 56094 56069 56098
105 - 977123 977125
108 - 54266
142 - 142058
144 - 144016
321 - 321313

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